Las Moras
Las Moras Springs
Las Moras Springs are located on the grounds of Fort Clark in Brackettville and are the ninth largest group of springs in Texas, discharging an average of about 12 -14 million gallons per day. They rise under artesian pressure through a fault that overlies Edwards limestone, emerging at an elevation of about 1096 feet.
The springs fill a large walled-in area which spills into a 300-foot long swimming pool, with excess flows diverted to a bypass channel around the pool. Just below the pool, both discharges combine and form the headwaters of Las Moras Creek.
Springflow rates vary in response to weather conditions and respond quickly to rains in the West Nueces River basin. In his work at the Texas Water Development Board, Gunnar Brune estimated 51 flow rates for years between 1896 to 1978, and these ranged from a high of 38.8 to million gallons per day (mgd) in 1899 to lows of 3.6 and 2.6 mgd in 1964 and 1971. In those two years, the Springs dried up completely for a time. Begining in 1998 the USGS recorded occasional field measurements of flow, and in October of 2003 a permanent gage was installed for continous measurement. Real time flow data is available from the USGS at this location.
Las Moras Springs were used for thousands of years by prehistoric people. Projectile points as old as the Plainview type have been found, indicating a human presence at least 8,000 years ago. It was long a favorite site for diverse cultures and tribes that anthropologists have lumped together as "Coahuiltecan", and later for Comanche and Lipan Apache tribes. Spanish explorers began to camp at the Springs in the 16th century and gave them their name, which means "The Mulberries". In 1840 a US cavalry unit drove Comanches from their village by the Springs, killing many Indian women and children. At that time, many bison, antelope, and wild mustangs roamed the area (Brune, 1981). (
Hikers, Mountain Bikers, and ATV riders along our trails will find gorgeous views and suprising wildlife along the banks of the Las Moras Creek.
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