Old Guardhouse Museum
Saturday & Sunday: 1 pm - 4 pm
$2 Donation is Recommended
Fort Clark is located south of Brackettville, Texas. It was established on June 20, 1852 at Las Moras Springs, at the head of Las Moras Creek, it was a site long favored by indigenous Coahuiltecan Indians and later by Comanche, Apache and other Indian Tribes. In 1849, Lieutenant W.H.C. Whiting during his reconnaissance for a practical route between San Antonio and El Paso, recognized its military potential and recommended the location as a site for a fort.
If there is something specific you are looking for regarding the Fort's History please contact the Museum's Curator at the same address and we will try to help you with your research.
A donation box is placed near the entrance and your support is greatly appreciated.
Sutler's Store
Sutler's Store is a novelty and historical gift shop located located just around the corner from the museum. It is brought to you by the Fort Clark Springs Historical Society.
Fort Clark Historical Society
P.O. Box 1061
Brackettville, TX 78832
(830) 563-2493
Museum Curator, Russell Nowell
Sutler's Store, Donna Pritzel
More Information
Contact us for more information.